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Deuterium(D2) Lamp for HPLC
Deuterium Lamp for Agilent HPLC
Deuterium Lamp for Waters HPLC
GL Science Inertsil ODS-3 HPLC Column, 3µm, 3.0 x 75mm (analytical)
Thermo Scientific 30105-204030 ODS Hypersil 5µm 200x4mm column
ESI PFA-ST Microflow Nebulizer Capillary (0.5 mm), 400uL/min (orange)
Agilent Gold Standard Syringes, GC
Agilent InfinityLab Quick Connect assembly
Mettler Toledo DGi115-SC Plug & Play combined glass pH electrode
Agilent 1260 HPLC
Daeyang Medical WinBack 3 SE Physiotherapy
RETSCH PM 100 Ball Mill
Agilent 7696A Sample Prep Workbench
Waters Acquity UPLC 2set
HP 8920A Communications Test Set-For Part
Agilent 6460A LCMSMS - LC1200
[New] Teledyne Cetac ASX-560 Autosampler [Thermo Version]
[New] AQUATek LVA with Lumin Purge and Trap Concentrator
[New] Agilent 8890 GC with the 7010B Mass Spectrometer
Bran+Luebbe GmbH - AutoAnalyzer 3
Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR System w/t com
Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR System
Vintage Tamaya UC2 Current Meter for Boats and Yachts
Buck Libra Plus LP-1 Pump with 230v charger
Thermo AS3000 Autosampler Spectra System
Varian Atomic Absorbtion spectrometer Sample Introduction Pump System (SIPS)
Varian PSD 120 Furnace Autosampler
Varian SPS 3 Laboratory Benchtop Sample Preparation Autosampler System
Varian GTA 120 Graphite Tube Automizer
EYELA N-1100 Rotary Evaporator
Agilent 7683B Autosampler
AgilentGC 6890N
Helios II Laser Skin Rejuvenation
BD FACSCalibur TM Flow Cytometer
Hamamatsu Lightningcure LC6
Fischione Ultrasonic Disk Cutter 170
SANYO Auto Clave
ULVAC GLD-136A Vacuum Pump
ILMVAC VCZ 324 TYPE 103024 LVS 110
Jungwoo WSA 10 Vacuum Pump
Hitachi Science E-201 Evaporation Unit
YAMATO FO200 Electric Furnace
Lovibond RD125 COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) Test Tube Heater
HWASHIN POWER SONIC 420 Ultrasonic Cleaner
Milestone DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer
YUYU Scientific Mechanical Convection Oven
AES Chemunex AESAP1068 EasyMIX Paddle Blender-New Open Box
Rigaku Thermo Plus TG 8120
AES Chemunex Dilumat S AESAP1082-New Open Box
Inter Mixer-150
Thermo French Press Cell Disrupter FA-078A
Lab24 Precision Drive S 600
PAMAS SBSS Particle Counter for liquids
Applied Biosystems 7500 Real Time PCR System
ACOM OS100-2680-1H10 Thomasys AIR Compressor
BRANSON Ultrasonics Digital Sonifier 450
WSA 20 W220 Oil Rotary High Vacum Pump
ZEISS Neolumar S 0.8x FWD 80mm
Seiko Instruments SPA 400 Scanning Probe Microscope
OLYMPUS CX31 RTSF Microscope / U-CMAD3 Camera Adapter
Olympus CX31 Microscope-New Open Box
OLYMPUS IX71 Inverted Microscope
NIKON YS100 Microscope
Perkin Elmer AutoIMAGE FT-IR Microscope
Narishige ONE-99 / Narishige IM-9B Microinjector
Leica MZ8 Stereo microscope
Leica DM 2000 Microscope
Nikon Narishige MM-188
ALCATEL Annecy 4161 Micro-Forge MicroScope
Nikon SMZ-10 Microscope
LEICA 020-520.708 DM LM Microscope
NIKON Labophot-2 Microscope
OLYMPUS CH20 Microscope
LEICA 090-131.001 LEITZ DM IL Microscope
HiROX KH-8700 Digital Miscoscope
HiROX KH-3000 HI-SCOPE Advanced
NIKON Optiphot-2 Microscope Nikon HFX-DX
Mitutoyo 176-812K Toolmakers's Microscope
XP-201 Microscope
NIKON DIAPHOT 200 Microscope
NF AS-191 Three Phase Oscillator